/* File: ewf.c Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christophe GRENIER This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #if defined(DISABLED_FOR_FRAMAC) #undef HAVE_LIBEWF #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_LIBEWF_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBEWF) #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include /* lseek, read, write, close */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include /* open */ #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include /* free */ #endif #include "types.h" #include "common.h" #include "ewf.h" #include "fnctdsk.h" #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #include #if !defined( LIBEWF_HANDLE ) /* libewf version 2 no longer defines LIBEWF_HANDLE */ #define HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API #endif #if !defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) && defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) #include #endif #include "log.h" #include "hdaccess.h" extern const arch_fnct_t arch_none; static const char *fewf_description(disk_t *disk); static const char *fewf_description_short(disk_t *disk); static void fewf_clean(disk_t *disk); static int fewf_pread(disk_t *disk, void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset); static int fewf_nopwrite(disk_t *disk, const void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset); static int fewf_pwrite(disk_t *disk, const void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset); static int fewf_sync(disk_t *disk); struct info_fewf_struct { #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) libewf_handle_t *handle; #else LIBEWF_HANDLE *handle; #endif uint64_t offset; char *file_name; int mode; void *buffer; unsigned int buffer_size; }; #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) disk_t *fewf_init(const char *device, const int mode) { unsigned int num_files=0; char **filenames= NULL; disk_t *disk=NULL; struct info_fewf_struct *data; libewf_error_t *ewf_error = NULL; data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct info_fewf_struct)); memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct info_fewf_struct)); data->file_name = strdup(device); if(data->file_name==NULL) { free(data); return NULL; } data->handle=NULL; data->mode = mode; #ifdef DEBUG_EWF libewf_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libewf_notify_set_verbose( 1 ); #endif if( libewf_glob( data->file_name, strlen(data->file_name), LIBEWF_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, &filenames, (int *)&num_files, &ewf_error) < 0 ) { char buffer[4096]; libewf_error_sprint(ewf_error, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); log_error("libewf_glob(%s) failed: %s\n", device, buffer); libewf_error_free(&ewf_error); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } if((mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR)==TESTDISK_O_RDWR) { if( libewf_handle_initialize( &( data->handle ), &ewf_error) != 1 ) { char buffer[4096]; log_error("libewf_handle_initialize failed\n"); libewf_error_sprint(ewf_error, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); log_error("%s\n", buffer); libewf_error_free(&ewf_error); libewf_glob_free( filenames, num_files, NULL ); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } if( libewf_handle_open( data->handle, filenames, num_files, #ifdef LIBEWF_OPEN_READ_WRITE LIBEWF_OPEN_READ_WRITE, #else LIBEWF_OPEN_READ | LIBEWF_OPEN_WRITE, #endif &ewf_error) != 1 ) { char buffer[4096]; log_error("libewf_handle_open(%s) in RW mode failed\n", device); libewf_error_sprint(ewf_error, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); log_error("%s\n", buffer); libewf_error_free(&ewf_error); ewf_error=NULL; libewf_handle_free( &( data->handle ), NULL ); data->handle=NULL; } } if(data->handle==NULL) { data->mode&=~TESTDISK_O_RDWR; if( libewf_handle_initialize( &( data->handle ), &ewf_error) != 1 ) { char buffer[4096]; log_error("libewf_handle_initialize failed\n"); libewf_error_sprint(ewf_error, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); log_error("%s\n", buffer); libewf_glob_free( filenames, num_files, NULL ); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } if( libewf_handle_open( data->handle, filenames, num_files, LIBEWF_OPEN_READ, &ewf_error) != 1 ) { char buffer[4096]; log_error("libewf_handle_open(%s) in RO mode failed\n", device); libewf_error_sprint(ewf_error, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); log_error("%s\n", buffer); libewf_handle_free( &( data->handle ), NULL ); libewf_glob_free( filenames, num_files, NULL ); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } } if( libewf_handle_set_header_values_date_format( data->handle, LIBEWF_DATE_FORMAT_DAYMONTH, NULL ) != 1 ) { log_error("%s Unable to set header values date format\n", device); } disk=(disk_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(*disk)); init_disk(disk); disk->arch=&arch_none; disk->device=strdup(device); if(disk->device==NULL) { free(disk); libewf_glob_free( filenames, num_files, NULL ); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } disk->data=data; disk->description=&fewf_description; disk->description_short=&fewf_description_short; disk->pread=&fewf_pread; disk->pwrite=((data->mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR)?&fewf_pwrite:&fewf_nopwrite); disk->sync=&fewf_sync; disk->access_mode=(data->mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR); disk->clean=&fewf_clean; { uint32_t bytes_per_sector = 0; if( libewf_handle_get_bytes_per_sector( data->handle, &bytes_per_sector, NULL ) != 1 ) { disk->sector_size=DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; } else { disk->sector_size=bytes_per_sector; } } // printf("libewf_get_bytes_per_sector %u\n",disk->sector_size); if(disk->sector_size==0) disk->sector_size=DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; /* Set geometry */ disk->geom.cylinders=0; disk->geom.heads_per_cylinder=1; disk->geom.sectors_per_head=1; disk->geom.bytes_per_sector=disk->sector_size; { size64_t media_size = 0; if( libewf_handle_get_media_size( data->handle, &media_size, NULL ) != 1 ) { disk->disk_real_size=0; } disk->disk_real_size=media_size; } update_disk_car_fields(disk); libewf_glob_free( filenames, num_files, NULL ); return disk; } #else disk_t *fewf_init(const char *device, const int mode) { unsigned int num_files=0; char **filenames= NULL; disk_t *disk=NULL; struct info_fewf_struct *data; #if defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) glob_t globbuf; #endif data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct info_fewf_struct)); memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct info_fewf_struct)); data->file_name = strdup(device); if(data->file_name==NULL) { free(data); return NULL; } data->handle=NULL; data->mode = mode; #ifdef DEBUG_EWF libewf_set_notify_values( stderr, 1 ); #endif #if defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) { globbuf.gl_offs = 0; glob(data->file_name, GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); if(globbuf.gl_pathc>0) { filenames=(char **)MALLOC(globbuf.gl_pathc * sizeof(*filenames)); for (num_files=0; num_filesfile_name); free(data); return NULL; } #else { filenames=(char **)MALLOC(1*sizeof(*filenames)); filenames[num_files] = data->file_name; num_files++; } #endif if((mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR)==TESTDISK_O_RDWR) { data->handle=libewf_open(filenames, num_files, LIBEWF_OPEN_READ_WRITE); if(data->handle==NULL) { log_error("libewf_open(%s) in RW mode failed\n", device); } } if(data->handle==NULL) { data->mode&=~TESTDISK_O_RDWR; data->handle=libewf_open(filenames, num_files, LIBEWF_OPEN_READ); if(data->handle==NULL) { log_error("libewf_open(%s) in RO mode failed\n", device); #if defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) globfree(&globbuf); #endif free(filenames); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } } if( libewf_parse_header_values( data->handle, LIBEWF_DATE_FORMAT_DAYMONTH) != 1 ) { log_error("%s Unable to parse EWF header values\n", device); } disk=(disk_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(*disk)); init_disk(disk); disk->arch=&arch_none; disk->device=strdup(device); if(disk->device==NULL) { free(disk); #if defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) globfree(&globbuf); #endif free(filenames); free(data->file_name); free(data); return NULL; } disk->data=data; disk->description=&fewf_description; disk->description_short=&fewf_description_short; disk->pread=&fewf_pread; disk->pwrite=((data->mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR)?&fewf_pwrite:&fewf_nopwrite); disk->sync=&fewf_sync; disk->access_mode=(data->mode&TESTDISK_O_RDWR); disk->clean=&fewf_clean; #if defined( LIBEWF_GET_BYTES_PER_SECTOR_HAVE_TWO_ARGUMENTS ) { uint32_t bytes_per_sector = 0; if( libewf_get_bytes_per_sector(data->handle, &bytes_per_sector)<0) { disk->sector_size=DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; } else { disk->sector_size=bytes_per_sector; } } #else disk->sector_size=libewf_get_bytes_per_sector(data->handle); #endif // printf("libewf_get_bytes_per_sector %u\n",disk->sector_size); if(disk->sector_size==0) disk->sector_size=DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE; /* Set geometry */ disk->geom.cylinders=0; disk->geom.heads_per_cylinder=1; disk->geom.sectors_per_head=1; disk->geom.bytes_per_sector=disk->sector_size; #if defined( LIBEWF_GET_MEDIA_SIZE_HAVE_TWO_ARGUMENTS ) { size64_t media_size = 0; if(libewf_get_media_size(data->handle, &media_size)<0) { disk->disk_real_size=0; } else { disk->disk_real_size=media_size; } } #else disk->disk_real_size=libewf_get_media_size(data->handle); #endif update_disk_car_fields(disk); #if defined( HAVE_GLOB_H ) globfree(&globbuf); #endif free(filenames); return disk; } #endif static const char *fewf_description(disk_t *disk) { const struct info_fewf_struct *data=(const struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data; char buffer_disk_size[100]; size_to_unit(disk->disk_size, buffer_disk_size); snprintf(disk->description_txt, sizeof(disk->description_txt),"Image %s - %s - CHS %lu %u %u%s", data->file_name, buffer_disk_size, disk->geom.cylinders, disk->geom.heads_per_cylinder, disk->geom.sectors_per_head, ((data->mode&O_RDWR)==O_RDWR?"":" (RO)")); return disk->description_txt; } static const char *fewf_description_short(disk_t *disk) { const struct info_fewf_struct *data=(const struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data; char buffer_disk_size[100]; size_to_unit(disk->disk_size, buffer_disk_size); snprintf(disk->description_short_txt, sizeof(disk->description_txt),"Image %s - %s%s", data->file_name, buffer_disk_size, ((data->mode&O_RDWR)==O_RDWR?"":" (RO)")); return disk->description_short_txt; } static void fewf_clean(disk_t *disk) { if(disk->data!=NULL) { struct info_fewf_struct *data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data; #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) libewf_handle_close( data->handle, NULL); libewf_handle_free( &( data->handle ), NULL ); #else libewf_close(data->handle); #endif free(data->file_name); data->file_name=NULL; free(data->buffer); data->buffer=NULL; free(disk->data); disk->data=NULL; } generic_clean(disk); } static int fewf_sync(disk_t *disk) { errno=EINVAL; return -1; } static int fewf_pread(disk_t *disk, void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset) { struct info_fewf_struct *data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data; int64_t taille; #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_HANDLE_READ_BUFFER_AT_OFFSET ) taille = libewf_handle_read_buffer_at_offset( data->handle, buffer, count, offset, NULL ); #else taille = libewf_handle_read_random( data->handle, buffer, count, offset, NULL ); #endif #else taille=libewf_read_random(data->handle, buffer, count, offset); #endif if(taille!=count) { log_error("fewf_pread(xxx,%u,buffer,%lu(%u/%u/%u)) read err: ", (unsigned)(count/disk->sector_size), (long unsigned)(offset/disk->sector_size), offset2cylinder(disk,offset), offset2head(disk,offset), offset2sector(disk,offset)); if(taille<0) log_error("%s\n", strerror(errno)); else if(taille==0) log_error("read after end of file\n"); else log_error("Partial read\n"); if(taille<=0) return -1; } return taille; } static int fewf_pwrite(disk_t *disk, const void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset) { struct info_fewf_struct *data=(struct info_fewf_struct *)disk->data; int64_t taille; #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_V2_API ) #if defined( HAVE_LIBEWF_HANDLE_WRITE_BUFFER_AT_OFFSET ) taille = libewf_handle_write_buffer_at_offset( data->handle, buffer, count, offset, NULL ); #else taille = libewf_handle_write_random( data->handle, buffer, count, offset, NULL ); #endif #else taille=libewf_write_random(data->handle, buffer, count, offset); #endif if(taille!=count) { log_error("fewf_pwrite(xxx,%u,buffer,%lu(%u/%u/%u)) write err: ", (unsigned)(count/disk->sector_size), (long unsigned)(offset/disk->sector_size), offset2cylinder(disk,offset), offset2head(disk,offset), offset2sector(disk,offset)); log_error("%s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return taille; } static int fewf_nopwrite(disk_t *disk, const void *buffer, const unsigned int count, const uint64_t offset) { log_error("fewf_nopwrite(xx,%u,buffer,%lu(%u/%u/%u)) write refused\n", (unsigned)(count/disk->sector_size), (long unsigned)(offset/disk->sector_size), offset2cylinder(disk,offset), offset2head(disk,offset), offset2sector(disk,offset)); return -1; } const char*td_ewf_version(void) { #ifdef LIBEWF_VERSION_STRING return (const char*)LIBEWF_VERSION_STRING; #elif defined(LIBEWF_VERSION) return LIBEWF_VERSION; #else return "available"; #endif } #else #include "ewf.h" const char*td_ewf_version(void) { return "none"; } #endif /* defined(HAVE_LIBEWF_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBEWF) */