/* File: file_ape.c Copyright (C) 2008 Christophe GRENIER This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #if !defined(SINGLE_FORMAT) || defined(SINGLE_FORMAT_ape) #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include #include "types.h" #include "filegen.h" #include "common.h" /*@ requires valid_register_header_check(file_stat); */ static void register_header_check_ape(file_stat_t *file_stat); const file_hint_t file_hint_ape= { .extension="ape", .description="Monkey's Audio compressed format", .max_filesize=PHOTOREC_MAX_FILE_SIZE, .recover=1, .enable_by_default=1, .register_header_check=®ister_header_check_ape }; /* cf https://github.com/fernandotcl/monkeys-audio/blob/master/src/MACLib/APEHeader.h */ struct APE_COMMON_HEADER { char cID[4]; /* should equal 'MAC ' */ uint16_t nVersion; /* version number * 1000 (3.81 = 3810) */ }; /***************************************************************************************** * APE header structure for old APE files (3.97 and earlier) * *****************************************************************************************/ struct APE_HEADER_OLD { char cID[4]; // should equal 'MAC ' uint16_t nVersion; // version number * 1000 (3.81 = 3810) uint16_t nCompressionLevel; // the compression level uint16_t nFormatFlags; // any format flags (for future use) uint16_t nChannels; // the number of channels (1 or 2) uint32_t nSampleRate; // the sample rate (typically 44100) uint32_t nHeaderBytes; // the bytes after the MAC header that compose the WAV header uint32_t nTerminatingBytes; // the bytes after that raw data (for extended info) uint32_t nTotalFrames; // the number of frames in the file uint32_t nFinalFrameBlocks; // the number of samples in the final frame }; /***************************************************************************************** * APE_DESCRIPTOR structure (file header that describes lengths, offsets, etc.) * *****************************************************************************************/ struct APE_DESCRIPTOR { char cID[4]; // should equal 'MAC ' uint16_t nVersion; // version number * 1000 (3.81 = 3810) uint16_t pack1; uint32_t nDescriptorBytes; // the number of descriptor bytes (allows later expansion of this header) uint32_t nHeaderBytes; // the number of header APE_HEADER bytes uint32_t nSeekTableBytes; // the number of bytes of the seek table uint32_t nHeaderDataBytes; // the number of header data bytes (from original file) uint64_t nAPEFrameDataBytes; // the number of bytes of APE frame data uint32_t nTerminatingDataBytes; // the terminating data of the file (not including tag data) uint8_t cFileMD5[16]; // the MD5 hash of the file (see notes for usage... it's a littly tricky) } __attribute__ ((gcc_struct, __packed__)); /***************************************************************************************** * APE_HEADER structure (describes the format, duration, etc. of the APE file) * *****************************************************************************************/ struct APE_HEADER { uint16_t nCompressionLevel; // the compression level (see defines I.E. COMPRESSION_LEVEL_FAST) uint16_t nFormatFlags; // any format flags (for future use) uint32_t nBlocksPerFrame; // the number of audio blocks in one frame uint32_t nFinalFrameBlocks; // the number of audio blocks in the final frame uint32_t nTotalFrames; // the total number of frames uint16_t nBitsPerSample; // the bits per sample (typically 16) uint16_t nChannels; // the number of channels (1 or 2) uint32_t nSampleRate; // the sample rate (typically 44100) }; /*@ @ requires buffer_size >= sizeof(struct APE_HEADER_OLD); @ requires separation: \separated(&file_hint_ape, buffer, file_recovery, file_recovery_new); @ requires valid_header_check_param(buffer, buffer_size, safe_header_only, file_recovery, file_recovery_new); @ ensures valid_header_check_result(\result, file_recovery_new); @ assigns *file_recovery_new; @*/ static int header_check_ape(const unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned int buffer_size, const unsigned int safe_header_only, const file_recovery_t *file_recovery, file_recovery_t *file_recovery_new) { const struct APE_HEADER_OLD *ape=(const struct APE_HEADER_OLD*)buffer; /* Version 3.96 released April 7, 2002, Version 4.06 March 17, 2009 */ if(le16(ape->nVersion)>=3980) { const struct APE_DESCRIPTOR *descr=(const struct APE_DESCRIPTOR*)buffer; const unsigned int nDescriptorBytes=le32(descr->nDescriptorBytes); if(nDescriptorBytes < sizeof(struct APE_DESCRIPTOR)) return 0; if(le32(descr->nHeaderDataBytes) > 0 && le32(descr->nHeaderDataBytes) < sizeof(struct APE_HEADER)) return 0; if(nDescriptorBytes >= buffer_size) return 0; if(nDescriptorBytes + sizeof(struct APE_HEADER) >= buffer_size) return 0; { const struct APE_HEADER *apeh=(const struct APE_HEADER*)&buffer[nDescriptorBytes]; /*@ assert \valid_read(apeh); */ if(le16(apeh->nChannels)<1 || le16(apeh->nChannels)>2) return 0; } reset_file_recovery(file_recovery_new); file_recovery_new->extension=file_hint_ape.extension; return 1; } if(le16(ape->nChannels)<1 || le16(ape->nChannels)>2) return 0; if(le32(ape->nSampleRate)==0) return 0; if(le32(ape->nTotalFrames)==0) return 0; reset_file_recovery(file_recovery_new); file_recovery_new->extension=file_hint_ape.extension; /* 4 + le32(ape->nHeaderBytes) + le32(ape->nTerminatingDataBytes) ? */ return 1; } static void register_header_check_ape(file_stat_t *file_stat) { static const unsigned char ape_header[4]= { 'M', 'A', 'C', ' '}; register_header_check(0, ape_header,sizeof(ape_header), &header_check_ape, file_stat); } #endif